
Patriotic Popcorn

  • Prep Time 10 MINS
  • Cook Time
  • Total Time
Serves: 2



  • 4.4 oz bag Ricos White Cheddar Popcorn
  • ¼ cup blue candy melts
  • ¼ cup white candy melts
  • ¼ cup red candy melts
  • 1 cup chocolate candies
  • Sprinkles


  • Remove Ricos White Cheddar popcorn from package and onto a cookie sheet.
  • Melt ⅓ cup of blue candy melts in microwave for 45 seconds and mix until smooth.
  • Spoon mixture into a sandwich bag and cut the corner with scissors. Spread mixture on top of popcorn.
  • Melt ⅓ cup of white candy melts in microwave for 45 seconds and mix until smooth.
  • Spoon mixture into a sandwich bag and cut the corner with scissors. Spread mixture on top of popcorn.
  • Melt ⅓ cup of red candy melts in microwave for 45 seconds and mix until smooth.
  • Spoon mixture into a sandwich bag and cut the corner with scissors. Spread mixture on top of popcorn.
  • Immediately following, toss sprinkles and chocolate candies on top of popcorn mixture.
  • Place popcorn in fridge for at least 15 minutes so the candy mixture will harden on popcorn.
  • Remove from fridge, break up popcorn and serve in bags, cups or bowls. Enjoy!